ManMade // The Hangover

ManMade // The Hangover

This weekend I hosted my very first "ManMade" show. It was a show that I've been wanting to put on for a while, but that saw a little controversy in it's early planning stages due to some folks' feeling that I was being exclusive by not opening the show to women.

The show was always open to women, I will be first to agree that perhaps I didn't communicate the "vision" for this show with very much sensitivity in the beginning.

I was excited to be acting on a new concept and I forgot that my audience isn't just a handful of my closest childhood friends, but rather, a diverse group of individuals who don't all necessarily share my opinions or sense of humour.

Which can be, occasionally, somewhat, just ever so slightly, inappropriate.

But I can only control my intentions, and they were good.

So I checked myself before I wrecked myself, and surged ahead.

In a nutshell, I thought the show was awesome. It was super chill, and much smaller than a typical HH show, and the location (Mill Street Brew Pub Ottawa) was amazing.

Also, there was more beer than we could actually drink available to us from 11am onward.

That took an edge off the craft show nerves let me tell ya.

There's just something fun about a themed show. It gives makers something to go on, and these guys (and a few girls) really stepped up their game in the interest of appealing to folks looking for Father's Day gifts and dude stuff.

Jennifer (representing the ladies of ManMade), the artist behind La Luciole Blown Glass created these stunning beer mugs which I've never seen the likes of before.

I regret not purchasing one actually. Must rectify that.

Booth tooth speakers made using vintage radios were there courtesy of Daff Design.

I bought one. It was flirting with me and I was drunk so... #noregrets.

(Remind me to tell you the story about how Brad and I met one of these days.)

My hometown pals Gaslight Electric had the most awesome marquee signs at the show.

I was really thinking the DINER one would make a fantastic headboard, but then my friend Kim (also drunk) made an "eat out" comment and ruined it for me.

Recycled beer bottles-cum-glassware by Artech Studio (also available at Hello Yellow by the by).

Body boards by naCoille studio.

Urbanwood maps, hooks, tie clips, cuff links, beard combs and various stunning slow made goods by N-Product.

Original artworks by Michael Bruneau.

Cool metal works and jewelry including Bottle Opener Rings by TLS Creations.

Interior artworks by Matchstick.

Graphic tiles coasters by Versatile.

Cordials and drink mixes by Split Tree.

AMAZING tees by Winged Beast. Dad and I both bought this one.

Brad was in awe of Emerson Pringle's ability to turn wood into these gorgeous cutting boards.

I mean, it doesn't take much, but these are admittedly very very awesome.

I on the other hand was unable to contain my love of Moo Shu Ice Cream's "Stocked Bar" Box. Three homemade ice-creams infused with alcohol to create flavours like Juniper Rye-zing (get it?) and Bourbon 5-Spice Hazelnut.

Come on people.

Dis shit be cray.

The list just goes on.

Thank you so much to everyone who came out to celebrate our dudes this weekend. I know I came away with a lot of great stuff for dad...and possibly even slightly more that I'll be keeping for myself.

Thanks especially to the staff at Mill Street Brew Pub who were just SO patient and accommodating.

We'll do it again!

xo Emily