It's Fall Market Time!

It's Fall Market Time!

Isn't the fall the flippin' best?
All parents know that September is the real new year.

Yes. Of course I mourn the end of this beautiful season, but summer hits different when you work in retail in a tourist town.

As they saying goes "you've got to make hay while the sun shines" and lawwwwd knows we have some dark months coming our way.

Fall is a time for me to get back into more of a routine.

With kids back at school I am released from my role as social convenor, screen time monitor, taxi driver, healthy foods pusher (gotta balance out all the hotdogs and ice cream) and can focus on actually ENJOYING work.

Because I do love what I do for a living, and at fall time, I get to do my most favourite thing.

Hosting our annual Fall Market.

We've got our vendor line up all set and we are currently working away at the lookbook to share in the coming days, but in the meantime we'd LOVE you to save these dates orrrrr, even better, join the Facebook Event Page so we can keep you in the loop!


Hope to see you soon!