Before + After // Guest Room Makeover

Before + After // Guest Room Makeover

Time for another room makeover!

Some of you may have seen this Before & After in the Leon's Holiday Guide Melissa put together this past fall, (honestly if I had even a shred of her design talent my life would be complete) but I have yet to share it here, so without further adieu...


Welcome to our hideously drab and boring guest room!

Again with the built in furniture.

Such a pain, however the room is pretty awesome with 3 windows, hardwood floors and, wait for it...a sink.

You know, like all good bedrooms have these days.


This sink is actually what made us decide to make this room for guests instead of one for a 7-year-old with a sloppy nail polish addiction.

Also, it's actually pretty convenient to be able to allow your guests some tooth brushing privacy.

We could make this work.

Like the dining room, the inspiration for this room began with a roll of Hygge & West Wallpaper.

Specifically this one by Julia Rothman called Daydream Cream.


Incidentally, I do carry this one in the shop. Available here.

And then, because Pinterest loves to watch me squirm, I decided to put in on the ceiling.

Note: Never do this. At least not with a spouse.

Melissa was my wallpapering buddy of choice and it's a damn miracle we're still talking. She is one of the only people on the planet that I'm any good at laughing through frustration with.

It took us two full days and three rolls of wallpaper to slay this beast, but we did it, and It. Is. Breathtaking.

Photo Cred: Sarah Evans
Photo Cred: Jacqueline Brophy

I decided to paint the walls to match the background colour of the paper and chose Para ULTRA paint in "Light Wood Finish" (colour code: P5226-44D) in an eggshell finish.

It's warm and neutral, and looks beautiful with all the white and pop of colour added by my new Passerina chairs from Leons (made in Canada!).

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Like every room in the house, naaaaaaturally there's a Campy candle on-site to add a little ambiance. This one is my current favourite scent. Smells like: a Long Weekend has notes of cedar and vanilla, and offers a whopping 80 hours of burn time.

Find them in my online shop here


Since the room is pretty dreamy, Melissa and I decided to create some bold graphic artwork that focused on that theme. We scavenged the nearest Value Village for some frames, has a little brainstorming session to come up with some quotes, and Melis put mouse to laptop and designed these little ditties.

We had them printed by PhotoBox which is a truly awesome service that prints your images to your custom dimensions and ships them in about 30 seconds flat.

Or a week. Whatever. Honestly it was fast.


We hung the frames so close together that they give the effect of a larger piece of art, or a headboard.

Two metal side tables from HomeSense bookend the bed, and we added two sconces from Ikea that are officially my favourite product they've come out with in a while.

I noticed recently that they came out with a table and floor version of this design. So good. So so good.


I love this room.

Sometimes I just sit in here and stare at the ceiling.

Other times I am forced to leave the comfort of my own bed because there's no room in between the flailing limbs of children, and I retreat to this little escape down the hall.

And all is right with the world.

xo Em