DIY Easter Eggs // Bash Sisters Guest Post

DIY Easter Eggs // Bash Sisters Guest Post

It's Easter weekend and I'm running around like a bunny with her head cut off (now there's a festive image) preparing for a busy few days in the shop (we're open all weekend BTW!) and a quick trip with the kiddos to visit our in-laws up north.

One of my favourite things about Easter is that it's a FANTASTIC and cheerful theme for decorating and some good old fashioned DIY projects.

Some of my fondest memories include blowing yolk through tiny holes (#yougottabreakafeweggs) and fighting with tiny spoons over dye colours with my sisters at the dining room table.

With some inspiration from the lovely Bash Sisters, we're going to be trying out the following three simple, kid-friendly projects. I've asked them to write us a guest post (the first of many!) about their ideas and process.

Let me know if you try any of these out (especially if you fail miserably), and without further adieu...


Hi All! The Bash Sisters here!

Holy cow! We cannot believe it's Easter already! We know with all the baking, egg hiding and hosting you've left the decorations to the last minute so we have three quick and easy ways to add some Easter charm to your home!


Materials: Bright coloured paints (we used pink, baby blue, bright green, purple and yellow - classic spring colours!) and a small paint brush. We told you it'd be easy!

What To Do: Dip your paint brush into some paint and get going! Don't be scared just go to town! The more organic the better. If you need some inspiration pour out some classic sprinkles onto a paper and see how they fall! Never is a sprinkle on the same angle so don't get too hung up on making it look perfect.

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Materials: Letter stickers! We found ours at Michaels. As always, bright colours are best - at least in our books ;)

What To Do: Come up with some fun phrases and get to sticking! We are digging things like ”Hip Hop”, ”For Peeps Sakes”, Egg-cellent” and the classic ”Hoppy Easter”. These would also be killer as place cards for your guests seats at dinner! Feel free to dye your eggs beforehand but make sure they are fully dry before adhering the stickers.



Materials: Construction paper, scissors, double sided tape, black sharpie and pink paint.

What To Do: With the construction paper cut out ears, feel free to go wild on your ear shape! No bunny is alike! Adhere the ears to your egg with the double-sided tape. Use the sharpie to draw on a cute little bunny face and the paint to fill in the nose! Voila, little bunny eggs ready for displaying.

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What did we tell you?!

These are super easy to make and kid friendly fun!

We hope you have a fantabulous Easter and would love to see your masterpieces in action!

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more fun DIYs and party planning ideas.