Create + Profit Summit

Create + Profit Summit

I always find it a little challenging to get my head in gear after the Christmas holidays.

My new planner sits here on my desk staring me down with it's glaringly white pages, begging me to fill it with dates and deadlines...and ideas.

And I can usually do that pretty well, but lately I find that I'm so full of ideas that it almost stumps me. Like if I can't do them ALL, I can't do any of them.

How to start.

How to start.

If you're a creative person, a maker, or an entrepreneur especially, you feel it too. I know you do.

Maybe, like me, you spent the better part of 2017 working your tail off to make a living doing something that you love, with wild dreams of having a successful business, but found yourself spinning your wheels with goals unmet by ball drop on December 31st.

I know this entrepreneur's life can be a real struggle. You might even be spending these first few weeks of the new year feeling like maybe you can't do this anymore, or like you need to make some big changes but you just aren't sure what they are.

I'm with you.


What helps me during these dark January days (a lot) is building up my community of people who can not only relate, but who have tools to share. I try to take advantage of this slower time of year to get my ducks in a row and dig a little deeper by listening to new podcasts (here's a current fave), doing some online courses and generally finding the inspiration to pull me out of my funk.

And it works.

Recently my good friend Amy Eaton (the photographer behind the images on my website btw!) started working with a colleague on a project that has me really excited.

It's a virtual summit that's taking place January 22nd to 26th called Create + Profit and I think it is EXACTLY what you need (esp if you're a handmade seller) to get you inspired, moving, focused, productive and PROFITABLE for 2018.

If you've been struggling to work out your business kinks on your own, Create + Profit is going to help you figure out why. Because I am confident that regardless of what you create, there is a HUGE customer base out there just waiting to discover what it is you have to offer the world.

See, the thing is, "making it" in the handmade game is not one of those ”if you build it, they will come” kind of situations.

It takes a huge amount of knowledge, brand positioning, self promotion, pricing strategy, research, hustle etc etc etc.

Wrapping your head around everything you need to do to launch or elevate an existing brand or product can be completely overwhelming. Which is basically why this whole thing has me so pumped.

Do I sound like an infomercial?

I sound like an infomercial and I don't even care.

I'm almost done gushing.

Create + Profit summit is completely FREE (with an option to upgrade - see graphic below) and consists of 10 expert presentations covering everything you need to take your business a whole new level.

We're talking craft shows (I happen to be the speaker on this one..but I didn't get paid or anything so you know I'm coming from an honest place), wholesale, pricing what you're worth (and what will sell), sales psychology, Etsy & Amazon search algorithms, photography, writing product description, accounting, using popular social media sites to growing your customer base, and more.

It kicks off January 22nd so grab your FREE ticket and I'll hope to (virtually) see you there!

Create & Profit Free vs All-Access NOTE: C+P has two options for attendees.

  • Free. This option includes 24 video replay acces and bonus resources (including some great downloads like my "How to Rock a Craft Show" basics!)
  • All-access pass. After signing up for the free ticket, participants will have the opportunity to upgrade to the all-access pass. This option includes lifetime access to the video replays, an invitation to our exclusive Create + Profit pop-up Facebook group, daily Live Q&As, and bonus trainings and resources. The pricing for the all-access pass is as follows:
    • $79 until January 15th (Early Bird pricing)
    • $99 from January 16th - 23rd
    • $199 from January 23rd onward