Birthday Thoughts // Giving all the F*cks

Birthday Thoughts // Giving all the F*cks

It's my birthday today. I'm 38 years old. (I wish I could tell you I've never kissed a girl, but there are too many witnesses and anyways, who hasn't?)

I've just spent my weekend with old friends and new kids, thinking about how lucky I am to live in a world where, on your birthday, your Facebook blows up and, as a result, people honk as you walk down the street screaming "happy birthdayyyyy!!!" out their car windows.

Where friends come over for a bonfire and bring everything needed for a sleepover.

Just in case.

Where neighbours come by with handmade presents and thoughtful cards, and someone from high school with a shared birthday (who you haven't seen in ages) sends a beautiful message at midnight because it's officially our most auspicious day.

Adding to my collection of original artworks by Sarah Jaynes. Love you SO much Sarah.
Midnight messages from an old friend.

Where your aunt invites you to dinner because your folks are away, and your husband makes you a G&T without asking simply because it's 4 o'clock. And it's your birthday.

I am SUPER ok with being 38.

Like so okay it's not even funny.

I am so proud that it's taken me ONLY 38 years to accumulate SO many wonderful people in my life.

Everywhere I go I am lifted up by someone.

There may be bad moments in my days but there are no bad days. Because people are generally amazing and thoughtful and giving with their love and their time and their energy.

I keep seeing people write about how being in your forties is especially awesome because that's the decade you can stop "giving all the fucks" (pardon the French) and just "do you".

But I'm not really interested in giving less fucks.

I'm over here feeling pretty darned dedicated to giving as many fucks as possible because I believe that giving "all the fucks" is what makes the world go round.

Giving all the fucks shows people you care about them and want them to succeed. I feel like people give me loads of fucks every day. Loads of them.

You know what I mean.

I'm grateful.

And I'm not going to stop caring about what people think. I may not internalize everyone's own personal drama like I have in the past, but I'm still going to care. A lot.

Because caring makes us better. And it's contagious. And it's my birthday for like 7 more hours so you kinda have to.

xo Em