Our Spooktacular Window // Meet the Bash Sisters

Our Spooktacular Window // Meet the Bash Sisters

A few weeks ago I was spilling my guts over on my Instagram stories about how I never have time to keep my shop windows up to date.

With Hallowe'en around the corner, our (and I'm embarassed to say this) CANADA DAY windows were looking a lot dated, and I was not-so-subtly whining about how nice it would be if someone would give me "suggestions" re: what I should do with them.

I received LOADS of ideas (thank you to all of you who took the time to send me pins!) and ONE amazing offer to DO THEM FOR ME from the sweet little sister duo The Bash Sisters.


Naturally I wept with relief.

Ok. I didn't.

But I was SUUUUPER happy to have someone take the reigns and help keep us looking fabulous here at Cheerfully Made.

Let me back up for a minute.

I met Meaghan + Michelle (The Bash Sisters) for the first time the morning of our all-but-rained-out Canada Day Etsy Event here in Almonte. They were vendors participating in the show with their party supplies and I had also commissioned them to help decorate the entrance of the event so, naturally, they were the first to arrive on the (soaking wet) scene.

They were all smiles and encouragement as they watched on from what was essentially the front row seats of my personal break down.

And they kept on smiling as they helped me trouble shoot what was potentially a show stopping situation into something resembling lemonade. (Who's got two thumbs and loves This is Us? This girl. #thosewhogetitgetit)

They put together this beautiful archway and hand-painted sign...and moved it, in the rain about a million times while I flipped flopped about what our rained out Plan B was going to be.

Naturally, they became my new best friends and personal heros for making it look like I meant for it to rain 500 centimetres so that we'd have to relocate 63 vendors in less than 2 hours and have this gorgeous archway to escape the rain under.

So that's the back story.

After graciously offering to help with my windows, The Bash Sisters promptly sent me two mood boards with ideas for the displays.

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CheerfullyMade - Fall Moodboards_Page_5 My instinct was to go with Option Two because it would be hella easy to transform into a winter scene right after Hallowe'en, but I could tell the girls would have more fun with the Modern Hallowe'en option, so in the spirit of making life more complicated fun that's what we picked.

We agreed on a materials budget of $125 (of which they only spent $103!) and picked a date to get started.

In all my years working with creative people, one of the most important things I've learned is that when you hire capable people, you get the best out of them if you just let them do their thing.

So I met the girls on our agreed upon date, gave them the keys to the shop (and my heart) snapped a few progress shots, effed the eff off.

IMG_3222 Creating under the constraints of my nightmare shop office space.

The result? Hallowe'en magic.


Clementine trying to convince a friend it's HER shop.


I think what made me the MOST happy was how responsibly they spent my money.

That's so important to me as a self employed person.

With things as simple as wrapping paper and googley eyes, they made an adorable and huge impact.


With food colouring, water and a white marker, they made potions and elixirs.

IMG_3229 untitled-3

With an umbrella and a pair of dollar store stockings, they made a witch appear to descend from the ceiling.


untitled-9 Our witchy window.


The Bash Sisters also expertly incorporated some items for sale in the shop into the displays. We lovingly carry Low Poly Craft DIY kits here at Cheerfully Made, and owners Britta and Adrian generously stocked us up with some Hallowe'en inspired kits like jack-o-lanterns and ravens as well as a few special props like this scary guy.


untitled-4 Low Poly Craft tarantula!
untitled-6 More Low Poly Craft lovelies.

Bottom line, there is nothing like a "current" window display to make me feel like I've got my shit together as a shop owner.


The Bash Sisters were so fun to work with, easy going and super capable. I basically did nothing. Which is ideeeeeal.

I truly can't say enough good stuff about them.

If you find yourself in need of some help doing your own windows (even if you're not close to Ottawa, I'm sure they'd be happy to consult!) or are looking for decor ideas for your next party, you should hire them.

I'm in talks now with the girls to make this a seasonal thing.

But for now, it's going to be very hard to say goodbye to these beauties in a few short weeks.

untitled-2 Sarah Evans (ShoeBox Pics) was quick enough to snap this picture of a passing customer who MATCHED the windows perfectly. Can you say "serendipity"!?


Happy Hallowe'en! xo Em NOTE: Every beautiful photo (and none of the not beautiful ones) were taken by the wonderful Sarah Evans of ShoeBox Pics. You should hire her too.