Craft Show Booth Inspiration // The day I lost 6 hours on Pinterest

Craft Show Booth Inspiration // The day I lost 6 hours on Pinterest

You know when I'm most productive?

When I'm busy as a mofo. Pardon my french.

At the moment I am

  • 6 days away from my BIGGEST EVER craft show (Etsy Made in Canada Ottawa. Our 5th annual!)
  • 1 week into an 8-10 week home renovation (our Kitchen. Follow my Instagram stories for the progress!).
  • Living in a tiny apartment behind the shop
  • Planning and booking speakers for my first annual Maker Retreat (Feb 2019)
  • Coordinating the makeover of the airstream that's been sitting in our side yard since July,
  • Redesigning the packaging for Campy candles, and
  • In full on holiday ordering mode to prepare for Christmas at the shop.

So, naturally, I'm spending every free moment taking care of the existing items on my to-do list right?

Yeah. No.

Yesterday, on a whim I decided to take a online course on how to up my Pinterest game and fell head first into the abyss.

Actually it was great. And fun. And so inspiring.

I'll talk about what I've learned once I finish the course, but that's not what this post is about.

This post is about Craft Show Booths.

Beyond hosting next weekend's show, I'm also a vendor in it with Campy, and I've been scouring the internet for new display ideas.

Guys. I found some.

Check out my Pinterest Board for some great ideas and tips for creating THE best craft show display for your product. Displays that sell and set you apart from the rest regardless of the size of your space.

Because some shows be cray.

How are YOU going to stand out?

What's the best way to both highlight your product while still being able to engage with shoppers AND fit everything in the footprint you've been allotted?

How is YOUR space going to feel like it's own entity in a sea of other booths.

How can you make your space feel...spacious?

On my Pinterest board, you'll see lots of examples of intelligently designed booths from all over North America.

But I've also rounded up a few of my favourite booth examples from shows I've hosted right here in the Ottawa area.

Here are some of my faves:

At last year's Etsy Made in Canada show here in Ottawa, Simply Soak completely reinvented their display to represent their brand (calm, soothing, earthy) and really beautifully showcase their products.

They put this wall at the front of their space which allowed lots of room behind for extra stock and storage.

They were able to walk freely around their booth and interact with customers.

AND it stood out as a bit of an oasis in a sea of colour and madness.

I always tell my makers to build UP and not OUT.

Here are a few truly stellar examples of that:

Gold and Ginger (pictured here is "Ginger") have been with our shows for several years now and over the past few they've really perfected their booth. This thing collapses down into it's own mini storage unit. It all folds up, they pop on a dolly and roll this sucker out the door at the end of the day.

I mean...goals.

Hollow CLAYWORKS is another great example of using height to display your work.

Now I know for a fact that this display isn't the lightest to cart around, but these girls need that weight to keep their pottery safe, so it works really well for them and is a great way to showcase many many pieces of their work in a small space.

There are SO many ways to merchandise your work at shows.

Scroll down to see even more from our past shows, and take a peek at all the amazing examples I've curated over on Pinterest.

I'm inspired to take on this weekend's project of stepping up my craft show booth game.

Everything else will just have to wait till Monday...

Chatch & Bo

Cottage Blue Home

Paw Parade

Blondie Apparel

Boucle d'Or

Call Me Sugar Handmade Cosmetics 

SplitTree Cocktail Co

Pure Colour Baby

Femme Mechanique
