Candyland Gumball Wreath

Candyland Gumball Wreath

As perhaps you could have derived simply by learning the name of my shop, I loooooves me some colour.

So when I signed up to contribute a wreath DIY for MerryMag (an ezine curated and designed by my bestie Melissa of The Sweet Escape) I knew it had to be something bold.

Also, something pretty simple.

Also something that I could possibly do with my kids so that I could feel like a good mom who plays with her kids instead of being glued to her laptop all day.

I had already decided to do a Christmas Candyland theme in one of the windows at Hello Yellow, so I decided it best to keep riding that wave and hoped in the ole jalopy for a trip to Bulk Barn.

As with any DIY, I try to keep my budget in check and imagined myself creating something gorgeous for...oh...say...$20.

After all, my materials included only:

  • Glue Gun
  • Glue Sticks
  • Styrofoam Wreath Form
  • Candy

Naturally we had to buy twice as much of that last component as was technically needed, and $36 later, I had myself one big bag of gum drops and two extremely jacked kids. This was a super easy project. I can't even dress it up really.

Step one:

Take a styrofoam wreath form. (If you're anything like me, you have one in your house. Somewhere. Possibly covered in some really dated looking felt flowers.)

Step two:

Glue gum drops all over it until it weighs about 20 pounds.

Step three:

Hang it on a door, or a wall, or somewhere little hands (and tongues) can't reach.

Is that thing the cutest or is that the cutest?

Happy crafting!!

xo Em

ps. If you try this project at home, please, for the love of all things Christmas, secure a ribbon or twine to hang the wreath from. In the interest of having this beauty ready for our Holiday Open House, I just stabbed the styrofoam onto my little wreath hanging suction cup on the shop door. Moments after taking these photos, this gorgeous labour of love smashed into a million (or five) pieces on the sidewalk. RIP little wreath. RIP.