Handmade Harvest Craft Show

Handmade Harvest Craft Show

This weekend marks my FIFTH Handmade Harvest Spring Craft show.

Could you die for this poster by the way!? Design by Dawn Walker Design Works ALMONTE!

This year it's going to be held at the Bell Sensplex in Kanata, rather than at our usual home, the Almonte Agricultural Hall.

I got a little flack for moving the show out of Almonte.

I get it.

As a retailer I too looked forward to the first influx of tourism downtown, but the show has grown (and grown and grown) and instead of our usual 50 sellers, we're hosting a whopping 143 at the Sensplex.

Man oh man I love this show.

First of all, handmade stuff. It's the best. (Actually, some of it is the worst, but we don't let that stuff in so you're good.)

Secondly, swag bags. Free to the first 100 in line each day.

Third of all, handmade stuff! It's worth repeating.


You can check out the full roster of makers at this weekend's show here, but I thought I'd share a little snapshot of my top five favourite picks.


Number ONE: Isabella DiSclafani

Holy heck I love this artist. I just bought two of her prints for my dining room makeover (stay tuned) and I'm not entirely confident I can stop there.

Not only does she create these weird and wonderful clay sculptures, but she does CUSTOM pieces as well.

You can't tell me I don't need a toothy three dimensional version of my family on my mantel.

I won't hear it.

Link to Isabella's profile


Number TWO: Rare Specimens

I don't always wear jewelry, but when I do, it's beautiful chunks of pretty.

I love the raw simplicity of the pieces AND the packaging. Everyday glamour. That's what Rare Specimens screams to me.

Link to Rare Specimens' profile


Number THREE: Bespoke Uprising

If there are three things in life that I'm a sucker for it's a) silk screening b) tea towels c) nacho dip. You know, the one that starts with cream cheese and ends with even. more. cheese?

I don't know if Roisin of Bespoke Uprising shares my sentiment for layered dips (probly does), but she's definitely a kindred spirit when it comes to the other two.

I'm going to buy something from her this weekend.

I'ma go out on a limb and guess you will too.

Link to Bespoke Uprising's profile


Number FOUR (is a tie): Supayana & Little Yeti Shoes

I met Yana Gorbulski (Supayana) at the Spring One of a Kind Show in Toronto. She's one of those beautiful little creative people that you kind of expect to have attitude (mostly because she's super pretty, has an accent and I like to unjustifiably stereotype) but is nicer than nice and is also ridiculously talented. Yana's clothing is entirely unique. Her fabrics are digitally illustrated and to-die-for-cute. When I asked her if she'd make adult sizes she said she might.

She might!

Tied for fourth is Little Yeti shoes.

Maker Aly participated in Etsy: Made in Canada last year.

She was a little stressed out when she arrived and I quickly helped rejig her display so that she could maximize her space and chill the heck out. She was a relative newbie, but her products shone. Less than a year later, Aly's got her display locked down (I'm told she needs electricity!) and her Little Yeti Shoes are cuter and more creative than ever.

Makes me want someone other than me to have another baby...

Link to Supayana's profile. Link to Little Yeti's profile.


Number FIVE: Monkey Butter

I have so many more than five favourites for this show, but it's approaching lunch time and I'm hungry.

I met the Monkey Butter sisters at One of a Kind as well. I had purchased their peanut & almond butters as stocking stuffers last Christmas (hello Dad gift!) after sampling the lot (the lot I say!).

If you're a nut butter fan, you're going to have a lot of trouble picking a favourite.

If you are allergic to nuts. My deepest condolences.

Link to Monkey Butter's profile

So will I see you this weekend or what?

I'll be the sweaty, red-faced girl trying to keep everybody happy.

Can't miss me.

Click here for everything else you might need to know.